Live is Alive- Brighton Festival
A special live event
Past Event

Live is Alive!

Fri 21 May 2021
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A laid-back evening of subtle moves and tight grooves from jazz, soul, reggae, ska and beat poetry. 

We are excited to be able to present this rescheduled Live is Alive performance celebrating Brighton's vital music scene.

MC Radio Reverb and BBC Sussex radio presenter Melita Dennett

Dakka Skanks
presented by The Prince Albert

Dakka Skanks bring hard reggae, ska, dub and punk rhythms together in a fresh style. Clara Byrne's mesmerising lead vocal cuts through like a wave of emotion, her lyrical integrity straight from the soul, with serious social and political issues explored through dramatic delivery.

Super Dupes
presented by Komedia

Initially something of a social call, Super Dupes soon evolved into a zippy set of groovy and diverse material ranging somewhere between funk, jazz, Afrobeat and fusion. Super Dupes deliver melodic, hand clapping, foot stomping musical nuggets with passion and aplomb.

AFLO. and the Poets
presented by Latest Music Bar

AFLO. and the Poets are a collective comprised of individually talented Black artists. Khanyisa (they/them) is a proud mixed raced, queer, non-binary soulful singer/songwriter mixing a fusion of soul, jazz, folk and funk who exudes tenderness, sincerity and sass. Priss (she/they) is a poet and spoken word artist telling their stories and lived experience through verses, bars and pars. AFLO. the poet (she/her) is a spoken word artist with a rhythmic flow and a voice heard all over Brighton at recent Black Lives Matter marches. Together, they bring you the heartbreaking and empowering sounds of the revolution - definitely a treat for the ears, mind and heart.

presented by The Old Market 

Up-and-coming singer-songwriter/MC Tiawa (pronounced: tea-ah-wa) aka Brighton-hailed Tia-Awa Blackhorse’s distinctive, laidback vocals blend melodies and neo-soul sensibilities with raw storytelling and thought-provoking lyricism. Tiawa’s debut album ‘Moonlit Train’ is a conceptual record that maps a metaphorical train journey from relationships through to healing and liberation. Gently easing between soul, 90s hip-hop and Latin-folk that harks back to her Portuguese heritage, the inspiration for the LP comes from the rebellious spirit of reggae, the pace of lyricism in reggaeton, and the romanticism of doo-wop.


This event is being recorded and will be available to book as a Watch Again event from Mon 24 May