Visual Arts


Socially Engaged Art Salon at the BMECP
Fri 3 Feb 2023
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A collaborative exhibition about intersectionality, well being and art

The exhibition brings together work that emerged during a series of creative arts workshops, imagined as a safe space for artists who identify as BAME and/or LGBTQI to meet and explore our experiences throughout the pandemic. The group was formed of a diverse group- all of us assume marginalised and stigmatised identities. Our art was produced alongside conversations about how COVID had impacted us, whilst also recognising the long-term embodied impact that racism, ablism, colonialism, capitalism and institutions have on our bodies. We recognised how psychological trauma responses such as fight, flight, freeze and appeasement live in our bodies and in our process of producing art.  Anxiety, stress, dis/trust feature in our lives and occurred within the process of getting to know one another- our art also represents how we navigate these uncertainties, our support systems and how we regulate our wellbeing.

See more on their website: