Lemn Sissay sits infront of a dark background, lit up with many sparkling star-like dots
Past Event

Tell Me Something About Family

Fri 7 May - Sun 6 Jun 2021

Light up Lemn’s interactive map with stories, phrases and sayings about your family

In this brand new project by Brighton Festival guest director and award-winning author Lemn Sissay, you are invited to light up a map of the world with stories, phrases and sayings about family. Via a specially-produced interactive website, users can share their stories, mapping them to their desired location: a family home, a place filled with memory, or somewhere significant to their tale.

As more and more stories light up the map, users of the site can weave through towns and countries filled with memories, choosing just to read, or maybe feeling inspired to share their own.

To take part, please head to the specially produced interactive website, where you can watch the full project introduction video by Guest Director Lemn Sissay: 




A map of Brighton and hove is lit up by many luminous dots

Join in

Share your story with Lemn

Lemn Sissay, Guest Director

Brighton Festival 2021

'I have lived without family all my life. And I’ve watched how many people looked deeply at their families through the pandemic, for better and for worse. I have always wanted to know about family from the inside. So I am creating one that connects us throughout the world. Will you be part of it?

Let’s light up the world with stories, phrases or sayings about family. You may write one line, one paragraph, one page or ten pages. It’s that simple. 'Tell me something...' is open to any person, from anywhere in the world, starting with Brighton, starting with you. Every one of our families and every one of our stories is unique.

Tell me something, Tell me something about family. '