The Melancholy of the Tourist
UK Premiere
An intimate, magical meditation on how we engage with the world.
How long does it take for a travellers’ destination to become a sought-after paradise and then for it to fall out of fashion? The Melancholy of the Tourist is a de-construction of the moments and objects that chart the rise and fall of a mental fantasy, a gallery of images from landscapes that no longer exist or perhaps never did.
Using a technique they call ‘theatre of documentary objects’, this inventive Spanish/Mexican company combine light and shadow, paper and tin, slide projectors, pulleys and a raft of wonderfully handmade and thoroughly analogue contraptions to ask questions about the dislocation between our imaginations and reality.
Due to recent storm damage of The Spire, this event will now be taking place in Anita's Room, Brighton Dome Entrance 1, New Road BN1 1UG
Important information
Please note: latecomers cannot be admitted due to the nature of the seating. We also won't be able to readmit you if you leave the auditorium during the show. Please arrive with enough time to use the facilities.
Doors to the building will open 30 minutes before the performance. The auditorium will open at show start.
Seating will be wooden tiered benches with steep access. Lighting will be low during the performance.
If you have access requirements or may need to leave during the performance, please email access@brightondome.org speak to a member of the team on arrival.
'This poetic machine produces a parade of photographs, postcards, toys, miniatures, and music that arise through whispers... creating intimate ceremonies that sprout in small spaces.’El Pais
Co-produced by: Oligor y Microscopía, Iberescena, Temporada Alta, Grec Barcelona, Le Parvis, Patronato Municipal de las Artes Escénicas y de la Imagen de Zaragoza, Pyrenart.Interreg Porctefa
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