Brighton Festival Children's Parade Thank You!

Children’s Parade at Home Sat 2 May, 10.30am for 5 minutes

Take Part, Announcements

Help us keep the spirit of the Children’s Parade alive this year and have your own mini parades at home! 

All of us at Brighton Festival, and our artists at Same Sky were so sad to cancel this year’s Parade, that when received an email from Tobias at Balfour Primary asking if the parade could happen in a different way, we could not resist but do exactly that.

So, if you are from one of the 60 Brighton & Hove schools or thousands of children, teachers, parents, artists and volunteers who had already put in so much work into preparing for this year, then all of this love, creativity and imagination won’t be lost. 

And if you are not, don’t worry because everyone is welcome! Young and old, local or global, let’s ALL come together and get creative in this celebration of our children, their creativity and incredible imaginations.


Whether you want to conga around your kitchen, wave a flag from your window, blow a whistle from your balcony, shimmy in your sitting room or dress-up on your doorstep – there is no set theme and anything goes!

At 10.30am on the day, we will signal the start the mini parade by sharing a samba drumming call on social media.

Share your creativity on our socials 

Tag #ChildrensParadeAtHome and @brightonfestival (and your school if you like!) If you are not on social media you can send pictures to [javascript protected email address] And don’t forget to join the event on Facebook.

Need some inspiration?
Same Sky artists have created free and easy tutorials to make something fun from recycled materials found around the house such as a broom puppet, trumpets, masks and hats. 
Click here for the artist tutorials

Other ideas include:

  • Dress up, make costumes, puppets, a mask, a headband, face paints
  • Sing, shout, bang pots, make noise with whatever you have to hand
  • Dance, prance, and pose!



















Brighton Festival & Same Sky’s Children’s Parade is kindly sponsored by Southern Water.