Competition: For the Love of Dogs
What is it about our relationship with our dogs that is so special?
We’re giving our audience the chance to pay tribute to the animals who love us so unconditionally. We’ll be selecting 50 dogs to be immortalised in a special Brighton Festival graffiti mural in a city centre location.
Brighton Festival Guest Director Laurie Anderson is presenting two events this year around dogs. In her film Heart of a Dog, her relationship with her pet rat terrier Lolabelle provides the starting point for a meditation on love, loyalty and memory.
If you would like to see your furry friend featured on this one-off mural, email [javascript protected email address] by Thu 21 Apr with:
- The name of your dog and up to 50 words on why your dog is so special to you
- A high-quality portrait-style photograph
- Your name and email address
50 dogs will be chosen to be immortalised on a Brighton wall, a tribute to unwavering loyalty and to 50 years of our bold, brilliant & sometimes barking mad Brighton Festival. We will also create an online gallery featuring all dog submissions and their stories.