Five Minutes with Saxophonist Jonathan Radford
This May, Saxophonist Jonathan Radford and pianist Ashley Fripp present a heady mixture of eras and musical styles.
Ahead of their show in May, we caught up with Jonathan to find out more...
Firstly, can you introduce us to your show and tell us what it is about?
Our programme showcases the saxophone and piano in an exciting mixture of eras and styles. We’ll be presenting familiar transcriptions for the combination alongside newer works such as a world premiere by Cheryl Frances Hoad, there’s really something to suit all tastes.
Why would someone come and see your show?
The show will be an opportunity to hear some well-known works such as Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Albeniz’s Suite Española alongside new works and a world premiere!
Where did the idea and inspiration come from?
We wanted to build a programme that would show many different styles, that would be engaging from start to finish and really relate to audiences.
What sort of person is going to love this show?
There’s really something for everyone in this concert, the repertoire spans from Baroque through to Jazz and modern day with familiar pieces as well as new ones to discover.
What will surprise people about this show?
Audiences are always surprised by the variety of styles and sounds the saxophone can produce. Often only viewed as a jazz instrument the concert really showcases the diversity of the saxophone and its possibilities as a classical instrument.
Discover more Classical Music events happening this May