Getting to Brighton
What you need to know to get to the Festival City
Brighton is a city packed with fun, delicious, artistic and wonderful things to do
With great transport links and plenty of options for travelling around the city, it's easy to explore the Festival city in May. Alongside the wealth of art and performance, there's no shortage of restaurants, cafes, shops and seaside attractions to enjoy.
Blue Badge parking in Brighton
Customers with a Blue Badge can park in disabled bays, pay & display bays and shared use bays in Brighton & Hove. Also car parks throughout Brighton & Hove have different policies on disabled parking. To make sure you aren't given a parking ticket you should read the signs carefully when you enter the car park. VisIt Brighton and Hove City Council’s webpage for more information on Blue Badge Parking
Information on parking in local bays
New Road parking spaces - Max stay: 3 hours
Church Street Bays - No time limit on stay
You may also park on a single or double yellow line for up to 3 hours as long as there is not a loading restriction (marked by strips on the kerb). You must make sure that the time disc is set to the time that you left the vehicle.
The following car parks do not charge Blue Badge holders for parking
- Black Rock
- King Alfred
- Norton Road
- Rottingdean Marine Cliffs
- Rottingdean West Street