Angela Saini
Past Event
Books & Debates

Angela Saini on Science

Thu 6 May 2021
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In a career that demonstrates a profound love for science, Angela Saini, award-winning journalist, author and broadcaster, has latterly become known for her no-nonsense myth-busting, famously calling the 2017 Google Memo, on supposed differences between males and females, 'prejudice masquerading as fact'. Her last two books Inferior (2017) and Superior (2019) won wide critical acclaim, leading to Angela being named one of the world's top 50 thinkers by Prospect magazine. At Brighton Festival for the first time in a unique free online event, she is joined by Dr Kate Shaw of the University of Sussex, to discuss her career so far and her role in 'Challenging Pseudoscience', at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.

Angela Saini

Angela Saini

Angela Saini is the author of three books - Geek Nation (2011), Inferior (2017) and Superior (2019) - and an award-winning science journalist, broadcaster. She presents radio and television programmes for the BBC, and her writing has appeared across the world, including in New Scientist, Prospect, The Sunday Times, Wired, and National Geographic. In 2015 she won the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Kavli Science Journalism gold award for a BBC Radio 4 documentary about birdsong and human language.

Angela's 2019 book, Superior: The Return of Race Science, was published to enormous critical acclaim, and was a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize and the Foyles Book of the Year. In 2020 Angela was named one of the world's top 50 thinkers by Prospect magazine, and in 2018 she was voted one of the most respected journalists in the UK.

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