Past Event
Books & Debates

Moving Spaces

Tan Twan Eng (Malaysia) & Anita Sethi (UK)
Sun 15 May 2022
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Natural landscapes play a huge role in how we experience our world. They can be a source of discomfort, or solace, they can help us heal.

Our online Global Conversations series enables dialogues across borders between some of the most creative minds of our planet

In Moving Spaces, we bring together Anita Sethi, whose nonfiction book, I Belong Here, is a journey of reclamation through English landscapes while contemplating identity, nature, place and belonging, and Tan Twan Eng, the celebrated Malaysian writer living in South Africa, whose novels The Gift of Rain and The Garden of Evening Mists feature beautiful meditations on similar themes. In a one-off conversation they will lead us in exploring ideas of belonging, and how our natural environments shape our life experiences.