A black man crouches naked under a desk
Image: Gil Mualem Doron - Alian Series
Past Event
Visual Arts

The Face of the Other

Sat 8 - Mon 31 May 2021

This exhibition starts with an invitation - an invitation to face an Other without seeing

This exhibition starts with an invitation - an invitation to face an Other without seeing. To welcome an Other without knowing. Because the face of the Other always hides. It is a mask that conceals the irreducible difference or Otherness. This mask, with neither an invitation nor with intention, shelters us from infinite alterity. As such, the face of the Other is invariably related to hospitality and to inclusion that in fact derives from radical Otherness.

The works presented in this exhibition present two different approaches to the issue of visibility: one that uses visibility to make one's identity or certain issues visible, to amplify voices, and as a tool of protest. Other works, sometimes even for the same ends, use masquerade, concealment, and defacement or do away entirely with the visual and use audio and texts. These works highlight social and political issues and yet others question the politics of visibility itself.

Artists participating in the exhibition are: Aubane Berthommé Martinez, Arit Etukudo, Beth Easton, Charlie Wood, Constanza Miranda, Daniel Whiffen, Gil Mualem-Doron, Jenny Nash, Joseph Cabey, Keith Race, L’Enfant, Maria Amidu, Mengwen Cao, Tugba Tirpan, Najma Yusufi, Nelson Morales, Rayn Peter French, R.M. Sánchez-Camus and Sisters Uncut.

Opening zoom event Sat 8 May 67.30pm 
Free event, register here 

The exhibition can also be viewed online at seasbrighton.org  from Sat 8 May