A young man with facial hair sits at a table clutching a wine glass which is half full of red wine. He looks down at the table. He is in a green field with hills in the background
Image credit: Tom Eames
Past Event


4 performances between Sat 13 & Sun 14 May 2023
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ThirdSpace (formerly Windmill Young Actors) are back following their sell out show Romeo and Juliet at Brighton Festival 2022.

A reimagining of the ancient Greek tragedy where the revolt against authority is reframed with a tribal youth against a chorus of predatory corporatists. 

The central figure of Dionysus, the girl who speaks the truth, sets the rage alight. Performed against the backdrop of the South Downs, contemporary society is in ruins with the remnant fog of austerity and climate crisis taking their toll. 

A chorus of crows lead us through the encampment as we are introduced to its inhabitants: the young people: harbingers of hope, who managed to survive the chaos. The future has returned to tribal and primitive ways where storytelling and magic keep everyone alive. 

Set to the soundtrack of thumping bass and rhythmic choral voices as the enraged screams of the collective Bakkhai lead us to the explosive climax. Featuring a cast of over 50 people aged 8-60, this is a collaboration with dance company Ceyda Tanc Dance and Brighton People's Theatre.


Audio Brochure Event Listing