A naked woman sits on a table covered with plastic wrap, her legs are open and in front of her, on a chopping board, are two steaks. She is wearing only white plastic gloves.
Past Event

High Steaks

ELOINA Productions
Mon 13 May 2024
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A show about labia, labia-shaming, cosmetic surgery and fundamentally, body lovin’.

Award-winning queer performer, ELOINA, hangs two beef steaks from her labia, butchers them up and sizzles them on a grill. And... her mum is in the show.  

Seamlessly melding performance art and comedy clowning, High Steaks discusses rising demands in young people for labiaplasty - plastic surgery to make the labia smaller/more symmetrical. Through live conversations with her mum and recorded interviews with labia-owners, High Steaks is a call for increased visibility of varied vulvas and a celebration of our vulvas in all their shapes and sizes.

Part of caravan assembly

caravan assembly is a biennial event that presents contemporary performance made in England to an audience of international programmers and collaborators. The performances are open to the public as part of Brighton Festival and sit alongside a series of industry conversations and discussions for those participating in the assembly. 

caravan assembly is delivered by Farnham Maltings in partnership with Brighton Festival. 

Audio Brochure Event Listing