What's on

A collage of female and non-binary sideshow performers
Two people are stood silhouetted in front of a projection. The projection shows the close up of an eye in black and white

Days of Wonder

videoclub & Corridor
Sat 4 May - Sun 1 Sep
Hove Museum of Creativity
Visual Arts
A painting of Rembrandt in an extravagant gold frame. In the painting Rembrandt is sat with his arms folded. He wears a black hat and a black robe.

National Treasures: Rembrandt in Brighton

Rembrandt Van Rjin
Fri 10 May - Mon 5 Aug
An acrobat hangs from a hoola hoop within another larger ring


NoFit State
Thu 8 Aug - Sun 1 Sep
The Level
From £18.50