2010: Brian Eno
One of popular music’s most innovative and influential figures, Brian Eno crafted a highly personal programme in 2010
Brian Eno's contribution to 2010's programme ranged from the acclaimed This is Pure Scenius! (Eno's first live UK collaboration in over 30 years) and 77 Million Paintings, which drew a record 29,000 visitors to Fabrica, to Apollo which received two sell-out standing ovations. In his final Illustrated Talk he encouraged us to see the arts as an act of surrender like sex, drugs and religion. Alongside these, Eno also programmed some of his favourite artists and influenced the complete programme of events through his themes and ideas ranging from the environment to technology.
Amongst the many premieres, two of Brighton Dome and Brighton Festival’s resident companies stood out from the crowd with 5-star reviews for both Hofesh Shechter’s Political Mother and dreamthinkspeak’s Before I Sleep, the latter enjoying an extended run due to such high demand for tickets.