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Books & Debates

The EU Referendum

Thu 11 Feb 2016

David Cameron's promised referendum on the UK's membership of the EU will take place on June 23 2016. As both the EU exit and pro-Europe campaigns gather momentum, Britain faces profound questions about its future. Business leaders claim that withdrawal would lead to economic calamity, while others on the left and the right argue the case for Britain to govern itself. Would an exit see Britain reduced to the status of a minor player on the world stage? Is Britain stronger in Europe? Does the EU need the UK? Join a panel of Guardian writers, including Brighton Festival Chair Polly Toynbee, to analyse and discuss both sides of the debate.

Polly Toynbee: Chair
Larry Elliott: Guardian Economics Editor
Natalie Nougayrede: Guardian Columnist and Foreign Affairs Commentator
Rafael Behr: Guardian Political Columnist