Past Event

Problem in Brighton

Mon 12 Feb 2018

First there was a Problem in Toulouse, then there was a Problem in New York, and now that problem is coming to Brighton. Well, Hove actually.

Problem in Brighton is an alt-rock/pop gig-with-a-difference written and directed by Guest Director David Shrigley exclusively for Brighton Festival.

Shrigley's artwork is brought to life by the Problem Band (led by Brighton musician Lee Baker) using instruments created from his illustrations. Like this one-stringed guitar. 

Problem in Brighton stars the award-winning Pauline Knowles (who appeared in Shrigley's 2011 opera Pass the Spoon), and Stephan Kreiss, who Brighton Festival audiences will know as one quarter of comedy troupe Spymonkey (The Complete Deaths).

A brash mix of live music, storytelling and animation, this is must for all David Shrigley fans. And for newcomers, a perfect introduction to the artist's characteristically wry style.