Past Event
Books & Debates

When Does a Comic Become a Graphic Novel?

Fri 15 Feb 2013

Woodrow Phoenix produced a giant comic for his MA at Brighton University, exploring – literally – the dimensions of what a comic is. 

Co-winner of Best Book in the British Comics Awards, he and fellow graphic novelists Nye Wright and Hannah Berry debate the different ways of creating narratives: whether pen and paper, ceramics, embroidery or sculpture. Art schools are now hot-beds of new cartoonists, and the traditional US comic is giving way to a more modern, domestic graphic memoir. How did this sea-change come about? What makes a comic, when does it become a graphic novel, is it all just marketing? Chaired by comics guru Tim Pilcher and in association with Myriad Editions.

After the show join Laydeez Do Comics in the Studio Bar. The UK’s first women led graphic novel forum will be presenting a series of invited speakers from 9–10.30pm.