Past Event
Visual Arts

Water Matters

Thu 19 Feb 2015

The Brighton & Lewes Downs is now a UNESCO World Biosphere site, which means it is part of a global network of international areas that bring people and nature together to pursue better living for the future. Over the course of the weekend, you can take part in various family activities - such as a Minecraft virtual world to uncover precious water resources hidden beneath the ground - and find out why our water really matters. You are also invited to contribute your thoughts and ideas in a daily discussion at 2pm, between Gauge and the Biosphere team exploring the similarities and differences of the environment, nature and water issues in Australia and Brighton. 

This event is part of Brighton Festival's exclusive commission Gauge that runs throughout the Festival.

Other events and information surrounding Gauge

Alongside the Australian artists, Brighton-based musicians Johanna Bramli & Ed Chivers create a new site-responsive work for the Gauge provocation; Erode is an exploration into time, sound and the certainty of finitude

Weather Reports
Performance interruption by the artists with music in reaction to the installations
Approx 20 minutes in length
Free event and capacity is 70. First come first served
See here for timings

Our Water Matters Competition

We have teamed up with Brighton & Hove Environmental Education and Southern Water to launch a competition focusing on water, a resource on which all our lives depend, yet many of us take for granted.
Pick up a competition sheet at the exhibition or 
If you are a teacher, please see 

Gauge Catalogue