Bee Detective
Sophie Bee’s busy life is a happy buzz of pollen seeking, dancing with her fellow bees and making yummy honey.
But when the worker bees begin to disappear, can Sophie use all her deductive powers to solve the mystery and save the hive? Staged in a bee-autiful tent, this interactive, multisensory theatre experience invites you to join the investigation and help the intrepid Sophie with her inquiries.
Combining performance, projected animations and waggle dancing, Bee Detective is accessible to deaf audiences through captioning and sign language and essential viewing for all.
Written by Sophie Woolley
Commissioned by the Unlimited programme, part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Unlimited is principally funded by the National Lottery through the Olympic Lottery Distributor and is delivered in partnership between London 2012, Arts Council England, Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the British Council.