Past Event
Classical Music

English Chamber Choir

Sun 1 Jan 2012

Ivan Moody Sub tuum praesidium (World Premiere)
António Teixeira Te Deum (1734)

English Chamber Choir
English Players
Guy Protheroe conductorJulia Doyle soprano
Sian Menna alto
Philip Tebb bass

António Teixeira’s ornate and vibrant baroque masterpiece, Te Deum (1734), lay neglected for almost two centuries, until the Gulbenkian Foundation commissioned a modern performing edition in the 1980s. The forces required to bring this brilliantly colourful music to life are themselves baroque in their extravagance: five choirs, sixteen solo lines and a full instrumental ensemble. The concert also features the world premiere of a specially commissioned companion piece by British composer Ivan Moody, who was involved in the reconstruction of Teixeira’s original score.

Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, the English Chamber Choir is at the forefront of the country’s choral tradition. It is accompanied here by the English Players, performing on 18th-century instruments, and a cast of established soloists.

Commissioned by the ECC with funds provided by the BBC Performing Arts Fund