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Extinct Boids

Fri 15 Feb 2013

When the film-maker and conservationist Ceri Levy asked Ralph Steadman to produce one artwork representing an extinct bird for the recent exhibition Ghosts of Gone Birds, Steadman said ‘yes’. Then ‘yes’ again...and again...and again...and again. One hundred paintings later, Extinct Boids was born.

From the familiar Dodo to the frankly fantastical Needless Smut, the roll-call of lost birds is a thought-provoking artistic journey characterised by Steadman’s fluid and flamboyant style. Extinct Boids details the discoveries Levy and Steadman made on their travels through the savage seas of extinction, and highlights the more sober side of Steadman’s keen visual wit.

Read an interview with Ralph and Ceri in The Quietus