Past Event

Romeo and Juliet

Wed 11 Feb 2015

Please note that any remaining tickets available for this event will be taken down from our website roughly 3 hours before the performance to be sold at the venue.

The new Brighton Open Air Theatre opens with Shakespeare’s immortal tale of star-crossed lovers. Performed by a troupe of travelling players in the Elizabethan tradition, this staging distills the story of love bridging the gulf between two feuding families to its very essence: predestined passion, lurking violence and reconciliation in the face of tragedy.

The Brighton Open Air Theatre (BOAT) promises to become one of the city’s best-loved performance spaces, with its turf amphitheatre and exquisite landscaping. There is no better way to inaugurate it than with one of the world’s most acclaimed Shakepearean companies, whose al fresco performances have become an indispensable feature of the Festival. So pack a picnic and immerse yourself in the romance, excitement and heartbreak of the greatest love story ever told.

Note for bookers:

The Globe Theatre on Tour is used to playing in all sorts of outdoor conditions and always continue their performances unless there is a safety risk to either cast or audience. In the event of a downpour the cast are dedicated to heightening their performance to make for an extraordinary theatrical experience. Please check the weather and bring your waterproofs in case! There is however, emergency shelter nearby - please ask our stewards to advise you in the event of this.

Of course we hope that all these reassurances prove unnecessary and you have a lovely dry outdoor experience!