Past Event
Spoken Word


Tue 13 Feb 2018

Picture this: Nigeria. A grandmother passes. London, a son cooks a pot of stew for his mother hoping to uncover hidden stories and unanswered questions.

“Home is no stranger, you are an African man and you have responsibilities as the eldest grandchild”

Yomi Sode's hit show tackles immigration, identity and displacement. COAT is a humorous and moving response to the mistakes made by elders that leave the next generation uncertain of what is expected of them.Watch 'Confessions of a Teenager' a poem that inspired this show
Read The Guardian's review of the show
Yomi talks to us about immigration, identity, displacement and more in our Festival Hot Seat interview.

Director: Thierry Lawson
Text Direction: Carl Ford
Movement by John Berkavitch and Sia Gbamoi
Produced by Natalie Fiawoo

Please note: Captioning for the performance on Thu 10 May has been cancelled due to scheduling issues