Casus - Vox Pops
Past Event

Knee Deep

Fri 15 Feb 2013

Four performers explore the boundaries of strength and tenderness. Bodies are pushed and pulled, weighed and tested, probing the limits of both physicality and feeling. As unlikely bonds are forged and space is transcended by thrilling physical feats, we are invited to re- imagine notions of our limitations.

Casus features two members of Circa – a huge hit of Brighton Festival 2011. Knee Deep is their first production, a bold, quirky and captivating performance that has blown audiences away throughout Australia and at Edinburgh last year. Using traditional and contemporary circus techniques, this intimate show journeys through moments of raw discovery and fleeting relationships as the four artists demonstrate that delicacy need not equate to fragility.

Knee Deep is a breathtaking display of humanity and incredible physical skill performed with raw emotion and honesty.

View the event programme