Probe's Now You See It at Brighton Festival
Past Event

Now You See It

Tue 7 Feb 2017

Antonia Grove, artistic director of Brighton-based dance theatre company Probe, presents her brand new solo: co-directed with Sue MacLaine, the piece is full of evocative imagery that features a searing central performance by Antonia herself.

Now You See It portrays a woman contemplating her past and reconsidering her strategies for survival. A dialogue between wonder and reason, reality and imagination, small ideas and mammoth consequences, this powerful performance marries straight-talking dance with storytelling, anecdotes and a little bit of magic.

Antonia began her career with Rambert Dance and performed with some of of the country’s most celebrated companies and choreographers before co-founding Probe in 2004. Antonia has been nominated for a Time Out Live Award and has twice been nominated for the Critics’ Circle National Dance Award for Best Female Dancer (Modern).

Visible Art Project (VAP)
Antonia Grove also brings a pop-up community art project that creates a place to hang out, contemplate, be creative, exhibit, share, post & make yourself visible through art. Antonia will be putting together a collection of VAP artwork made by people from communities all over Brighton & Hove during the coming months. Each individual work will be shared anonymously on @VisibleArtProj Twitter, Visible Art Club Facebook page and 'visibleartproj' Instagram account.

Sat 6, Sun 7, Tue 9, Thu 11 May, 11am - 4pm
Brighton Dome Foyer

We interviewed Antonia to find out a little more about her show