Past Event

Slap and Tickle

Mon 15 Feb 2016

Maverick, indomitable, fearless: words that describe performance artist Liz Aggiss. Born in an era when children were seen and not heard, Liz had no clue what she wanted to be. She just knew she wanted to be seen and heard. Slap and Tickle is a dark and ribald physical commentary on cultural mores and sexual taboos: a disorientating display of interpretations and contradictions about women, girls, mothers and pensioners. Beating a path through the personal and historical, Aggiss creates a feminist soup lurching from word to movement, music hall to radio nostalgia, costume change to prop manipulation.

"I was born on Nanny Goats Common, Dagenham, Essex, a post war baby, into a repressive era in the suburbs, where parents were truly in charge and children were seen and not heard. I never had a clue who I was, or what I wanted to do, I just knew I wanted to be seen and heard."

Find out more about Slap and Tickle in this Festival Hot Seat interview with creator Liz Aggiss.