Argenta Trio at Brighton Festival
Past Event

Argenta Trio

Tue 13 Feb 2018

The Argenta Trio specialises in rare or forgotten works, as this imaginative programme shows. Debussy wrote his Piano Trio, a charming work redolent of sunny drawing rooms, aged 18; Shostakovich was just 17 when he composed his Trio, still rooted in a Romanticism that he would later reject. Meanwhile, the contemporary Latvian composer Pēteris Vasks evokes the plains of his native land in music of meditative beauty.

Małgorzata Garstka piano
Nicolas Dupont violin
Margarita Balanas cello

Debussy Piano Trio in G major
Pēteris Vasks Plainscapes for Piano Trio
Shostakovich Piano Trio No 1 in C minor